Weather API for Web & Apps & Media

API for Web, Apps & Media

Do you want to add value to your customers on your website, in your app or in your media content? Weather and information are relevant for many areas and can be integrated with our API as data in your application - determine location, time horizon and parameters customer-specifically.

In addition, we can aid your implementation by directly delivering relevant graphics via the API. For example, to inform your guest when he has to reckon with how much sun or rain in the next few hours.

Available parameters (selection)

Weather forecasts

ttTemperature 2 m above ground °C
txMaximum temperature 2 m above ground °C
tnMinimum temperature 2 m above ground °C
tdDew point 2 m above ground °C
tt5Ground temperature 5 cm above ground °C
rhRelative humidity 2 m above ground %
rrRain rate, total precipitation mm
rrpProbability of rain %
thProbability of thunder %
slSnowfall line m a.s.l./m ü.M.
ffWind speed km/h
fxMaximum wind gust km/h
ddWind direction °
dddWind direction N/S/W/E
nTotal cloud coverage octa
clvl/cll/clmCloud coverage very low/low/medium altitude octa
ssSunshine duration min
radGlobal radiation W/m2
syWeather symbol; see #1-15
synopSynop code #1-99
zerodegHeight of zero degree level m a.s.l./m ü.M.
qffAir pressure hPa
et0Evapotranspiration in hourly & daily resolutions mm/h | mm/d

Measurements Switzerland

ttTemperature 2 m above ground °C
tbTemperature on ground °C
txMaximum temperature 2 m above ground °C
tnMinimum temperature 2 m above ground °C
tdDew point 2m above ground °C
rrRain rate, total precipitation mm
snowTotal snow height (Daily measurements) cm
newsnowIncrease of snow (Daily measurements) cm
gnLightning strokes nearby #
gfLightning strokes far #
ssSunshine duration min
fxMaximum wind gust km/h
ddWind direction °
radGlobal radiation W/m2
ssSunshine duration min
etpEvapotranspiration mm
qffPressure hPa
dpPressure change hPa/h
h850Geopontential on 850 hPa gpm
h700Geopontential on 700 hPa gpm