
Engineers & Planners

Data and expert advice for the planning of buildings and plants

For planned roads, tunnel portals, car parks, incineration plants, sewage facilities or other industrial facilities, we calculate the future air pollution load and the expected pollutant emissions as part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA).

For the planning of wind parks, we carry out wind measurements, draw up yield assessments (if necessary taking into account the loss of yield through icing), determine the effects of sound, shadow and visibility in environmental assessments, and determine the safety risk posed by ice throw. For planning photovoltaic systems, Meteonorm is a globally recognized tool for the determination of irradiation at any location around the world.

For the design of cableways and overhead lines, we create site-specific wind load assessments and determine the icing risk.

For building planning we compile the relevant climatic data on temperature, precipitation, irradiation and extreme winds, or carry out specific climate assessments. Many building planners and architects worldwide also rely on our software Meteonorm. In all activities we benefit from our experience in statistical and spatial analysis. Thanks to high-resolution climate models, we can analyze and optimize heat island effects and nighttime cooling for developments.