datenbanken portale

Measurement Data Portal

Universal platform for managing and visualizing your measurement data

Meteotest's measurement data portal integrates measurement data from various sources into a central database, offering data validation, proactive alerting, real-time monitoring, and flexible data interfaces for your specific application.


  • Password-protected access (with different users)
  • Status overview of measurement stations
  • Visualization of measurement series
  • Export of historical time series
  • Logbook for each station
  • API web service for machine access to the measurement data
  • Alerting via SMS & email

Our Offer

  • Configuration and operation of the measurement data portal
  • Configuration or development of import routines for measurement data sources (loggers, sensors, APIs, etc.)
  • Operation of the portal as a service (SaaS) Optional: Design, installation, operation, monitoring, and maintenance of your stations
  • Optional: Custom-tailored web application for publishing data/graphs

Ask our expert:

Stefan Bader

Co-Head of Measurements

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