As a farmer you have a close relationship with the weather and can assess the weather well. We can provide you with important weather forecasts and web services. We provide comprehensive past, current and forecast values for agronomically relevant parameters such as evapotranspiration. We are also happy to share our expertise through a weather training tailored to a specific application area.
If you need a second opinion to assess the ongoing development please do not hesitate to contact Meteofon for a personal consultation with our experienced forecasters.
With a weather station optimised to the specific purpose you get important base data for your agricultural production such as precipitation, temperature, humidity and soil moisture. The measurement data is then made available on a secure website. If desired, the data may also be used directly for further analysis, e.g. in the early detection of phytotoxicity. For agricultural organizations or companies, Meteotest carries out construction and operation of agricultural measuring networks including data management.
Would you like to expand your swine or poultry husbandry, or do you plan a biomass power plant? Meteotest compiles the environmental studies required by the authorities on the topics of odour, nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) in accordance with the requirements of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Swiss cantonal authorities. If necessary we supplement the modeling with on-site measurements.
Swiss cantonal authorities have to check compliance with legal requirements for consturction projects in agriculture. Meteotest can provide the fundamentals, e.g. (NH3) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) or the determination of critical loads for nitrogen (CLN) in sensitive ecosystems using the UNECE methodology.