Our Weather Forecast API is based on high quality weather models. We optimize global forecasts to specific sites using Model Output Statistics. Our solar forecasts based on this methodology have earned top marks in benchmarks. For complex parameters such as wind fields or precipitation we rely on the COSMO-1 model. The model is specifically adapted to the alpine region and has a fine mesh of only 1 km.
Typical applications of the weather forecasts API are:
tt | Temperature 2 m above ground | °C |
tx | Maximum temperature 2 m above ground | °C |
tn | Minimum temperature 2 m above ground | °C |
td | Dew point 2 m above ground | °C |
tt5 | Ground temperature 5 cm above ground | °C |
rh | Relative humidity 2 m above ground | % |
rr | Rain rate, total precipitation | mm |
rrp | Probability of rain | % |
th | Probability of thunder | % |
sl | Snowfall line | m a.s.l./m ü.M. |
ff | Wind speed | km/h |
fx | Maximum wind gust | km/h |
dd | Wind direction | ° |
ddd | Wind direction | N/S/W/E |
n | Total cloud coverage | octa |
clvl/cll/clm | Cloud coverage very low/low/medium altitude | octa |
ss | Sunshine duration | min |
rad | Global radiation | W/m2 |
sy | Weather symbol; see https://meteotest.ch/en/weather-api/wetter-api-dokumentation/weather-symbols | #1-15 |
synop | Synop code | #1-99 |
zerodeg | Height of zero degree level | m a.s.l./m ü.M. |
qff | Air pressure | hPa |
et0 | Evapotranspiration in hourly & daily resolutions | mm/h | mm/d |