Weather API for Climate Data

API for Climate Data

Our database Meteonorm produces accurate and representative typical years for every location on the planet. You can choose from over 30 different meteorological parameters. The database consists of more than 8 000 weather stations, five geostationary satellites and a globally calibrated aeroosol climatology. Sophisticated interpolation models based on more than 30 years of expertise provide high accuracy results worldwide.

Meteonorm is a global standard and powerful tool for planning applications in solar energy, building design, heating and cooling systems, education, agriculture and forestry, and many more. Find out more on the Meteonorm website.

The Meteonorm Web Service is based on the same calculation core and the same weather data as Meteonorm Software Version 7.3. The call of a typical year takes place via input of geographical coordinates. All Meteonorm parameters can be returned in monthly and hourly resolution. Output is available in different formats like JSON, XML or CSV. This allows the Meteonorm data to be integrated online into any type of web application, simulation software, building design software or building information modeling application.

In addition to the Meteonorm Web Service, the Meteonorm Plug-In (DLL) provides another possibility to integrate Meteonorm data directly into your software.

Available parameters (selection)

Meteonorm meteorological parameters

DDWind direction
FFWind speed (FFE, FFN longitudinal and latitudinal part of the wind speed)
FXGust peak speed (format "sia 2028" only)
HTime integrated radiation (energy units)
GAverage hourly radiation intensity (power units)
hsHeight of sun °
mxMixing ratio g/kg
NCloud cover octas
LGGlobal illuminance lux
LDDiffuse illuminance lux
pAtmospheric pressure hPa
RDDays with precipitation (> 0.1 mm)
RRPrecipitation mm
RHRelative humidity %
wPrecipitable water cm
drDriving rain mm
SndSnow depth (theoretical for average snow density) mm
SdSunshine duration h
TaAir temperature (2 m above ground) °C
Ta min/maxLowest/highest hourly value of air temperature (per month) °C
Ta dmin/dmaxAverage lowest/highest daily temperature °C
TdDewpoint temperature °C
TpWet bulb temperature °C
TsSurface temperature (5 cm above ground / grass) °C
tlLinke turbidity factor -

Meteonorm irradiation parameters

BhDirect horizontal radiation arising from a narrow solid angle of 6° centered around the sun
BnDirect normal radiation (DNI, beam) arising from a narrow solid angle of 6° centered around the sun's disk
DhDiffuse radiation arising from the upper hemisphere reduced by the direct solar radiation from the sun's disk and its surroundings (6° aperture)
Dh horDiffuse radiation taking raised horizon into account
Dh minDiffuse radiation under clear skys
GhGlobal horizontal radiation ("GHI")
Gh horGlobal radiation taking raised horizon into account
GhmaxGlobal radiation under clear skys